Friday Weird Science: Careful with that Toy! (NSFW)

I think we can all agree that the American population has become a little more open with regard to sexual practices than it was in, say, the 1950’s. The existence of premarital sex is discussed in multiple media outlets, and there are homosexual relationships discussed with candor. However, there are still several sexual practices which are still considered relatively taboo with regards to public discussion. While male masturbation, for example is discussed (often as comedic relief) pretty openly, female masturbation remains an extremely taboo topic in popular discussion. However, another topic also remains un-discussed (well, except for on Sex and the City, and they’ve discussed EVERYTHING).
Sex toys. Griffin and McGwin. “Sexual Stimulation Device-related Injuries” Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 2009.
Sci would like to take this time to note that Neurotopia claims no responsibility for what happens if your boss catches you clicking around below the fold.

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