Friday Weird Science: the “reality” of the G Spot and the mainstream media

Today’s post is going up late due to some truly massive equipment fail in Sci’s lab. Sci very much wishes that equipment would have enough respect to at least wait until her second cup of coffee to explode and throw carcinogens all over the lab.
Anyway, in her inbox the other day, Sci got this from a friend of the blog: “The G-spot ‘doesn’t appear to exist’, say researchers“.
(XKCD is always on top of this)
Apparently it’s generating a lot of controversy. So Sci, of course, had to get her hands on this paper. Which took a lot of doing. Thus, for the benefit of future generations, she provides the following citation: Burri et al. “Genetic and Environmental Influences on self-reported G-Spots in
Women: A Twin Study” J Sex. Med, 2010 (it’s still yet to come out, but will be soon, one hopes).
There, people, was that so hard? At least you now know where to look!
So Sci has some issues with this study. Let’s get to it.

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